Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CDs have shipped from Virginia...will be here by Friday!

The CDs will probably be here by Friday afternoon, so they won't actually hit the postoffice until Monday, but we will be packaging and labeling for shipment the completed CDs all weekend! I guess we'll have a CD mailing party!!

We have have purchased....54 CDs in 38
orders. We received the first mailed orders to the P.O. Box yesterday and today, and also received the first order from Canada this week. We received the first donation toward the duplicating costs today also. (Keep those donations coming!) The Love Streams benefit project is now at $1300 total money taken in. Profound gratitude!

From this money will be taken the taxes, 7% sales tax for Indiana buyers, any duplicating costs, and shipping. Let's see what happens!

TO ORDER ONLINE: If you are ordering from Canada or Australia, be sure and click on the little button that changes the form to be appropriate for your country. It's easy to miss.

TO ORDER AND PAY BY CHECK OR CASH: Send your check...made out to Love Streams... with your shipping address to: Love Streams, P.O. Box 9129, Fort Wayne, IN 46899-9129.

SOME TRIVIA: Raymond Moon-Gabet is doing throat-singing on track 6: Jaguar Dance. What is throat singing? When Raymond is throat singing, you feel the turning of the energy that is the love center of the Universe. The same thing happens when Raymond plays the Yidaki. Both require the breath of the singer/player to be centered in the breath of the unseen world of Spirit. Thank you to Raymond for allowing us to experience this breathing of love. You can hear a bit of it if you go the YouTube video of Love Streams. Click here. Throat singing is too complicated to explain easily. The singer changes the shape of the resonant cavities of mouth and throat to produce more than one sound at a time, while always keeping a low continuous tone. When you hear a particular note of music in a song, it always contains something called overtones and those overtones add to the sound of the note of music. Throat singing uses the concept of overtones to produce more than one sound at time. Told you it was complicated? It's pretty cool though!! Love to all!


  1. We are profoundly affected by this flow of Love Streams!
    Blessings and love Conrad
